Documentation - General

Settings - general

From this section you can edit the global configuration of the site:


Here we will add the URL (BUCKET) to which our landing belongs. We will also define if it is a single city or will have several cities.

We will be working with just the name “landing-landing-name” until we are ready to deploy and then we will add the domain including the “.com” so that’s when It will be published in production.

It is also very important that you have previously made the request to Systems from the landing structure. You can make the request through [this link].

Here you must fill the required info as seen in the next image:

Multiple Deploys

Why to add a second DEPLOY CONFIG?

There are two scenarios where this feature can be useful:

1 - Same experience but different domain for specific cities or languages.

In some cases you will need to have one or more cities of a experience in a different domain than the main. For example:

Main domain for Barcelona:

But for Madrid you need:


2 - Published Previews - No Stacked Changes

Other scenario where this feature is useful is when there is a public deploy already working and you need to add a new page and keep it on hold for a indefinite period (e.g. during the time that the partner provides a content, maybe several days).

To avoid to have this page as stacked changes for a long time, because this can lead to conflicts, you can create it and assign it to a preview bucket.

IMPORTANT: The preview bucket can not contain any dot ("."). You add it only when you want to publish your page.


How to add another DEPLOY CONFIG?

To add an additional bucket, the process is the same than the original:

  1. Go to: Main side navigation > Settings > General

  2. Click on Add deploys

  3. Complete the data for the new DEPLOY CONFIG: BUCKET and REDIRECTIONS (if are necessary).

How to assign a page for an specific Bucket?

You can assign an specific bucket through the field BUCKET in the edition of each page.

If you are using this feature to create a preview link remember to publish your changes. This will not affect the publish landing.

How to know which pages are assign to each bucket?

To know this information without enter in each page settings, you can use the dropdown "Group by" in the "Pages" list and select "Bucket".

This will separate the list for each bucket.


We also find the redirections tab. Here we can manage the redirections of the landing. Do not forget that in a development environment (preview), redirects are not visible. So we will have to publish to see the result.
General settings



In this tab we will have to add the correct code that we will need to track the landing from Google.

The Facebook pixel also comes by default and should not be changed unless you specifically ask to do so.


For the Favicons you can pick them from several websites that offer the service (recommended: and you would need the measures that are specified in the CMS.

It is important to complete all favicon sizes to ensure correct visualization on the multiple devices and applications where it is displayed.