Before we start

Points to consider

Before starting, it is good to keep in mind a few points.

1 - When working with stack changes, remember to publish the compilation. You need to publish all your stacked changes before login out.

2 - Please, make sure that only one person works on one landing page at a time. Otherwise, you can risk overwriting or publishing someone else's changes without realizing it.

3 - If you don’t require a module, please first verify that the module is not being used in any existing page. (Deleting without checking this will cause a failure). You can delete it from the pages section.

To delete a module please review [this page].

4 - When you create a CTA it is important that you ensure that is properly configured in the section UTM Dataset or you will cause a bug.

  • A - Add "New Data - Utm Dataset"

  • B - Fill the Utm Dataset fields

  • C - Referece the Utm Dataset in the CTA