Landing building workflow

Before build with CMS

To start building a landing page through the CMS it is important that the design phase is completed and we have a graphic proposal. This [template in figma] is available for this purpose.

The construction phase is divided into 2 phases:

  1. Creation of the structure (elaboration of modules).

  2. Addition of assets and content.


Creation of the structure

This phase is to be completed by the acquisitions team.

It involves the creation of all the pages and the modules that compose them. It is important to keep in mind that the modules must be created first and then when creating the page you can include them by referencing them.

For more information on how to create modules follow [this link].

To learn more about creating pages follow [this link].


Adding content

This phase is in charge of the Creative team.

In this phase we edit the general styles of the landing page and within each module we complete its content and edit its specific styles.

In [this link] you can find more information about how to edit the general styles.

Now, once the modules have been created it is possible to enter each one to complete the content (text and images) of each of its components and also edit the styles according to the options available in each component and in the layout section of each module.

In [the index] of this documentation you can find a list with the available modules and in each one the information about how to complete their components and edit their styles.